The technician health insurance reported a few days ago that the expenditure on medicines have increased to almost EUR 3.5 billion (+ 7.4%) and it refers to numbers the Federal Association of German pharmacists associations. Recently, the regional social Court of Baden-Wurttemberg has brought the award procedure on the AOK discount agreements to standing. The doctors demand more money. Warn full before a supply regions. With the contract doctor Law Amendment Act, the Federal Government wants to avoid this. The medical associations say the law does not affect, as long as no higher doctor fees are paid. The doctors revolt in Bavaria, who wants to succeed while still not quite, is the spectacular tip of the iceberg. Only these few points are sufficient to prove that there are good reasons for predictions about a new uniform health insurance contribution, the is significantly higher than the current average premium of 14.8%.

The estimates go up to 15.8% 15.0%. The Association of the employees health insurance (VdAK) claims that according to his calculations, a contribution rate of 15.3 per cent will be necessary. What is certain is that all members of health insurance companies, whose contribution today is below the current average premium, must pay the higher unit post next year. It will pay also which give less in the future. Whose number is lower, the higher the new unit contribution will be fixed. But even for those facilitating potential of short duration may be. The 100% financing is valid only for the first year of the health fund.

In the subsequent years there so long no increase of the General contribution rate, as long as the assignments from the health fund fall below not 95% of the total expenditure of the statutory health insurance. If the funds are no longer enough, what will affect probably all health insurance companies at the threshold. must additional contributions be raised. However, you have to pay the Treasury members in full height alone. An employer is not provided it. In plain language: it more 5% of the total expenditure of the statutory health insurance on workers are redistributed in the next few years. The health insurance companies have taken 155,40 billion euros in 2007. 5% of them are around 7.7 billion euros. How reassuring that there is now a reserve of EUR 3.2 billion. So accumulate billion billion additional spending that will roll to and lead to a contribution increase to the statutory health insurance. So the non-wage costs do not rise, the workers alone to essentially to foot the Bill.