If within one year we did physical training – it means you can safely continue, and if the decision is more stubborn than reasonable, necessary consult a doctor. בזמן האחרון אני מתחיל מאוד להעריך את גבי חמו. Although doctors hardly dare to recommend such an extreme exercise, although for the trained person it is not difficult. Therefore, each plank must be an individual. Oath is the basis for this practice and that the oath of Christ enabled him to achieve desirable. And so on can only extreme technique: strike any significant physical effort, but there are individual is can come up and sit-long meditation. But these meditations to be very much longer – for years. Strike with a prayer or meditation, are also good, but in our reality it is often difficult to find a secluded place. But bowing in prayer is more than actual practice, especially for healthy young and thick.

Given the word to make bows like 10,000 a week, 1500 each day, or as someone wants to imagine. Establishing contact with God it is a matter individual, but each request must be accompanied by a bow or Ina contact form, but in any case should be clearly defined goal, and certainly not material. If your efforts will be successful and not looking at pischanie body make a promise, this is a sign that there comes a time in which to return to the world of passion is no longer possible. But if you missed out on a moral cleansing of the way or do not have collected sufficient knowledge about human nature and human relationships, then chances are very sensitive fall. In any case, you need to have teachers at different levels, which can guarantee Your mental health. After all, human psyche is too fragile a thing to play VABank.

A characteristic feature of the road find meaning in life is the presence of steps, for school classes. For each stage, looks different knowledge and to embark on following need to get rid of the burden of the previous knowledge. What once was our achievement can become a deadly poison for a long time, paralyzing our movement. Our experience is always with us and do not shove it in Backpack differently after a while it will be difficult to walk. It is said that there were occasions when you do not adhere to this rule by the end of life sank into hell. Although the average person, not striving for perfection and not adhering to moral standards, hell is a reality in everyday life. There are thousands of roads leading to liberation from ignorance and everyone can be self-sufficient, but the road of wisdom is through knowledge. Heartache is dvinatelnoy force in the search for meaning in life, but on the path of knowledge should know that the stronger the pain, the greater will be the victory. The more stones on your way more quickly so you will get, but in the end sit on the sidelines and you'll laugh at that so funny floundering on the waves of the river of life. Yogi a lot, but the beginning is always subject to moral purity. Get to the yoga of consciousness, is the work of many lives. A life in mind – is a divine gift.